Students Cleaning Up the Beaches

Students Lead Copalis Beach Cleanup

Students from sixth to tenth grade joined forces for a beach cleanup at Copalis Beach this week. With 71 eager participants, they collected over 300 plastic bottles and various debris, including old ropes and nets, to protect aquatic life.

Not content with just cleaning, the students cataloged the types of waste found, laying the groundwork for future conservation efforts. Inspired by their day, they're now planning a project to repurpose the collected trash into creative treasures.

Their efforts were rewarded with the discovery of bird eggs, underscoring the importance of their work in preserving natural habitats. With renewed determination, these young environmentalists left a lasting impact, showcasing the power of community action in nurturing a cleaner, greener future for our beaches.

Below, some pictures of this awesome event:

Students Cleaning Up the BeachesStudents Cleaning Up the BeachesStudents Cleaning Up the BeachesBeach Clean Up Field TripBeach Clean Up Field TripBeach Clean Up Field TripBeach Clean Up Field Trip